Women and Youth Advancement Inc.

This website is in progress

business skills

to evolve

for the better.

Make smart personal& ​business choices

We integrate ai into small business establishment trainings in ​ways that help the participant all round

small business start-up ​skills​ acquisition

professional ​evolu​tion pass


business skills & solutions

skilled and

in circles

Explore Ways our empowerment ​Circles can support your dreams ​and change your life.

Sign up today

First meeting of Women's issues support group meeting, group therapy concept
Modern Keyboard with Blue Online Training Button

Let's ​discuss


White Arrow Right Element

Women and Youth Advancement Inc.

305 Broadway.

New York, NY 10007

Tel. (631) 910-9944

W: woyacentral.com

W2: woyacentral.org

Email: connect@woyacentral.org

Social: @woyacentral